Siedle Secure: Complete security for nursing homes
The Markusgården nursing home, located in the Øgade neighbourhood of Aalborg, Denmark, opened its doors in 2021. Here, security means much more than controlling access at the main entrance. Many of the residents have dementia. So the access control system must ensure that they are not put in harm’s way. At the same time, the nursing home must be able to quickly and flexibly control access rights for personnel to the living quarters, plant rooms, medicines and lockers. Sounds like a job for Siedle Secure.
A specific system for specific tasks
The requirements: Markusgården is designed to be a keyless residential and nursing home. The required digital systems for door communication and access control are to be integrated and the facility’s special requirements – complex access rights, high security standards or robust functionality – must be fulfilled. The priorities are safety and security and ease-of-use for the residents.
The Siedle concept: The Siedle Secure access control system controls all access processes – from the reception and the doors in the communal and technical areas to the private lockers in the residential units. All the required functions are incorporated in the door stations from the Siedle Vario design line. The RFID transponders are particularly user-friendly in the form of keyfobs. The connection to the Siedle app ensures continuous access for personnel.
The components: Complete Siedle Secure system with all controllers, extensions, supply devices and the free Siedle app, Siedle Vario door stations with Siedle camera 130, door loudspeakers, call buttons and status display plus the following – seamlessly integrated as third-party devices – 73 smart locks, 146 locks for drug cabinets and lockers and 47 RFID readers
Building owner: Vivabolig and the town of Aalborg
Architecture: Friis & Moltke Architects, RUM A/S
Installation of complete system: Erik Fals
Clever, perfectly tailored features

In the Markusgården nursing home, Siedle Secure manages the access rights for residents, relatives and personnel on over 220 doors. In case of emergency, it only takes a few minutes to change them.

With Siedle Secure, you can manage users and access profiles online using an intuitive user interface. In the Markusgården nursing home, this is in the caretaker’s office, which is located some distance away.

The locks at the nursing home can only be opened with RFID transponders. This is convenient for the residents, reassuring for relatives and quick and easy for personnel.

Barrier-free construction is standard these days. The door stations have been installed at a height that is equally as user-friendly for wheelchair users as it is for non-wheelchair users.

The Siedle status display is integrated into the door stations at the Markusgården nursing home. It indicates which function on the door intercom system is currently active to visitors or residents who are hard of hearing.

If the main entrance at the Markusgården nursing home is closed, the Siedle app transfers the door call. Staff can see the visitor on their smartphone, speak to them and let them in.

The modular door stations from the Siedle Vario design line combine a camera, door loudspeaker, call buttons and a status display with the readers for Siedle Secure.
How do you create security for residents, relatives and personnel?

Some residents in the nursing home have difficulties finding their way around or have dementia: If they are not to leave the ward or the building, the RFID transponders are programmed accordingly.

All the drug cabinets at the Markusgården nursing home are secured with an electronic lock so that only authorised carers have access.

For extra user-friendliness: the door locks with integrated RFID readers – also known as smart locks – for the private rooms are unlocked electronically.

Which lock was opened when and with which transponder? Siedle Secure logs all processes in the system. The administrator can change the access rights in the event of loss, misuse or as needed.
“Siedle Secure creates an environment that is both secure and functional for residents and nursing staff.”
Ulrich Bech, Project Manager Siedle Nordic A/S