What´s new from Siedle
This is where you can find out the latest information and everything you need to know – about new products, updates, special offers and new services.

More features, more security – at the centre of the new firmware version 3.14.25 for the Siedle Secure Controller are two features: an anti-passback function and multi-client capability.

The touchscreen comes in a practical 5-inch portrait format and can now also be integrated into single-line intercom systems in the Siedle Steel design range or into bespoke façade elements.

In the second generation of the Siedle Touch 10, we have not only made it easier to install and use, we have also improved its design. The result? Better technology at a lower price.

The innovative combi module makes door intercom systems with Siedle Vario IP particularly efficient. Siedle Access Professional 7.2.2 is compatible with the new Siedle Vario generation.

We are re-launching our classic Siedle Vario – with refined usability, IP functionality and a contemporary look. The new installation concept makes installation even easier.

With the multi-functional Siedle Touch 5 touchscreen, we offer pre-configured audio and video door stations in the Siedle Classic design line, which are perfect for buildings with many users.

Version 2.18 of our bus programming software (BPS 650-0) supports the programming of Siedle Axiom In-Home and the commissioning of the corresponding comfort functions.

Enjoy the full functionality of Siedle Vario IP: The new release of Siedle Access Professional supports all devices in the design line. And turns every external camera into a door camera.