Archive 2015
Look here for product and company news from 2015. Text and picture downloads are provided at the end of each report.
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Das Furtwanger Unternehmen Siedle, führender Hersteller von Türsprechanlagen, kooperiert ab sofort mit Jung, Spezialist für Schalter und Gebäudesystemtechnik aus dem Sauerland. In der Festhalle Furtwangen hat Siedle jetzt der gesamten Belegschaft und den Betriebsrentnern die Details der Zusammenarbeit vorgestellt.  More…
Building communication specialist Siedle and Jung, the specialist in building system technology, have decided to join forces. Siedle will gain an entry into the world of switches and building automation, while Jung can rely on Siedle's experience and innovative drive at the threshold. The cooperation, which launches in mid March, offers a range of benefits for specialist sales. More…
Siedle is opening up new potential for modernization by installers with its retrofit systems in the Siedle Classic metal design. These replace the fronts of older TL 411 series systems. The existing housing recessed into the masonry remains intact.  More…
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