Sparkasse Ludwigsburg

This concept is highly complex in architectural and urban planning terms, involving a large number of entrances, breakthrough and transition points requiring the integration of communication, surveillance, access control and switching functions. The technical requirements are covered by the high-performance Siedle Multi system. The architects fulfilled their design remit by a combination of the Siedle Steel and Siedle Vario systems, each individually adjusted and configured.

Alongside the stainless steel door stations, a total of 54 free-standing Siedle Vario pedestals were used. Their height, equipment and base finish are adapted to fit in with the surroundings. They are integrated into the colour scheme and material concept by using a suitable paintwork finish.

The client and architects specified that the walls should be kept as free as possible from electrical installations; The modular Vario system was able to easily comply with this remit.
In addition to the communication and safety technology, the pedestals accommodate switches, sockets and control elements.

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