Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The Schwarzwald Baar Hospital is one of the country's biggest and most efficient central care hospitals. With 750 beds, 15 operating theatres and the very latest technical equipment, 24 specialist departments serve 50,000 in-patients every year on an area of 46,000 square metres.

In a complex of this size and security rating, stringent demands are made on building communication, as well as on bridging the significant distances involved and networking a large number of users.

The hospital had special requirements in terms of the terminals used for building communication: The IP-based communication system Siedle Access networks all outside and inside doors and lifts in the hospital with WiFi telephones.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

With Siedle Access, the hospital made a considered choice in favour of an IP system. The IT experts at the large-scale hospital insisted on a technology which could be integrated into the existing IT infrastructures, so a proprietary application was excluded from the start.

Due to the considerable cable lengths involved, this would also not have been technically possible.

The free-standing pedestal at the main entrance integrates a surface area light, letterbox, video camera and unlocking element for opening the fire service key box.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The critical points of a large-scale hospital include the various entrances for emergency admissions. Delays cannot be tolerated in this area when things get hectic. Here, a pedestal with video camera, call buttons and access control regulate the entrance.

Siedle equipped all door stations in the outdoor area with a number of call buttons. This means that where necessary, the call signals are sent to different recipient groups.



Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Recumbent patients are transported to accident and emergency by ambulance. Here, Siedle installed systems from the Siedle Classic design line, with video camera and access control.

The accident and emergency department inside the building is reached by various groups of telephones which can be flexibly grouped. Also integrated in the groups are the hospital's dispensary.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital
Accident and emergency can also be reached via the car park. Patients report in at the free-standing Vario pedestal. Video surveillance was a key criterion for the clinic in particularly critical areas. This includes the entire external area and all areas in which medicines are stored.
Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Alongside the accident and emergency entrance, the drug storage facilities, for instance the dispensary, are also among the most sensitive areas of the hospital.

Here, access must be carefully regulated. Visitors currently report in using an intercom. At a later date, this can be upgraded with video camera and access control.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Not only patients, employees and visitors enter the large-scale hospital, but also a large number of different suppliers.

Access to the goods-in department is strictly controlled. Only those who have the relevant access rights or who have been identified using the intercom can be admitted.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The large-scale hospital has a large number of doors both inside and out. Inside, the individual departments regulate access as required. Some areas, such as the x-ray departments or magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), have more stringent security requirements.

Here, no card readers are used but code locks which can only be opened by authorized personnel.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The modular Siedle Vario system affords plenty of flexibility also inside the building: Each of the systems have been fitted by Siedle with two dummy modules.

This will allow retrofitting as required at any time – with access control technology or video cameras.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The terminals can be adapted to the relevant requirements using Siedle Access. The hospital only uses an indoor station from Siedle at the control switchboard.

All other users communicate using their WiFi telephones with the internal and entrance doors around the building.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

The hospital employees can communicate with each other on a mobile basis using WiFi telephony. Siedle programmed connection of the Access server to the Cisco server individually for this application.

Use of the Siedle app was not an option for structural reasons: Sufficiently stable mobile radio connections cannot be established in the hospital due to the sheer structural mass of the building.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Another special feature of the hospital, alongside the integration of WiFi telephony, is the lift emergency call station linked to the Access system. This allows hospital employees to talk into the lift from any handset and so contact the lift occupants in case of an emergency.

Here too, the IT Department insisted on the use of an IP-based system. This application was programmed by Siedle for the very first time for this type of application.

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Flexible mounting heights: At the visitor and staff car parks, Siedle integrated two identical Vario systems into a pedestal supplied by the customer.

Here, staff and long-term visitors can identify themselves using an ID card. Depending on the vehicle height, they use either the upper or lower operating unit.

Further clinics

Aarhus University Hospital

Aarhus University Hospital

Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Architecture: C.F. Møller Danmark A/S, in cooperation with Cubo Arkitekter A/S

Electrical planning: El:Con, Aarhus, Denmark



ARCUS Sports Clinic

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Location: Pforzheim

Architecture: Eggert & Partner, Stuttgart-Degerloch

Electrical planning: Infodienst, Ettlingen

Electrical installation: Prinzing Elektrotechnik, Salach

Signage system: Atelier Volk, Konstanz





Location: Vitznau, Vierwaldstätter Lake, Switzerland

Electrical planning: Electrical planning R. Mettler AG, Seewen, Switzerland

Electrical installation: Frey + Cie. Elektro AG, Lucerne, Switzerland


Aarhus University Hospital

Aarhus University Hospital

Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Architecture: C.F. Møller Danmark A/S, in cooperation with Cubo Arkitekter A/S

Electrical planning: El:Con, Aarhus, Denmark



ARCUS Sports Clinic

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Location: Pforzheim

Architecture: Eggert & Partner, Stuttgart-Degerloch

Electrical planning: Infodienst, Ettlingen

Electrical installation: Prinzing Elektrotechnik, Salach

Signage system: Atelier Volk, Konstanz



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