ARCUS Sports Clinic

Location: Pforzheim

Architecture: Eggert & Partner, Stuttgart-Degerloch

Electrical planning: Infodienst, Ettlingen

Electrical installation: Prinzing Elektrotechnik, Salach Signage system: Atelier Volk, Konstanz

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Pointing out the right direction to patients and visitors is a highly demanding task. So when developing the signage system, the clinic management opted to place its trust in a proven specialist – and in the orientation system from Siedle

ARCUS Sports Clinic

In the clinic's new building, 15,000 m2 of floor space is distributed between two structures and a central entrance hall. The complex is divided into several practices, wards, medical areas and examination areas supplemented by a rehabilitation centre, a chemist's and an orthopaedic technology business. It also includes a restaurant and shops.

Pointing patients and visitors in the right direction quickly and reliably requires expertise. That is why while developing its wayfinding system, clinic management relied on certified specialists – and on the Siedle orientation system.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

14 entrances and access roads, 2 audio and 4 video channels and 18 interior communication points – in this type of environment, the Siedle Multi high performance installation system can exhibit its strengths.

External access points are consistently equipped with door stations from the Siedle Steel range. Communication and orientation present themselves in a uniform design from the doorbells to the room plates.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Door station with wide-ranging applications: The call display lists all internal users, cutting out the need for rows of bells. The bell button calls the porter, while employees let themselves in with their electronic keys.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

The central entrance hall with its arched glass roof is the reception area, meeting place and lounge. At the same time, it encompasses the starting point for the internal development of the building.

The transparent room structure is defined by the contrast between the grey green slate floor, white plaster, large-scale glass wall panels and seamless, transparent glass surfaces. The wayfinding system has to suit the aesthetics and character of the hall, and at the same time, guarantee reliable, quick visitor orientation.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

The characteristic "i" of the central information pedestals is in the house font, precisely lasered into the solid stainless steel cover plate. The mounting plate in the corporate design colour is visible through the cut-out.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Its design and construction make the Siedle orientation system extremely flexible. The dimensions of wall, suspended or curved signs are completely optional within the layout grid. Only the mounting plates are permanently attached. The invisibly attached cover plates can be replaced quickly and easily.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

Well designed: orientation is also a matter of visibility. The developers of the wayfinding system collaborated with architects, interior designers and electrical and lighting system planners on optimal signage positioning.

ARCUS Sports Clinic

All orientation signage is made of solid stainless steel. The only exception: the mounting plates of suspended signs are made of aluminium to reduce their weight. Icons are lasered into the brushed panel; lettering is adhered with special printed film. The film is lightfast and can be removed without leaving any residue. The system has been designed to be updated and maintained independently by the technical service department of the clinic.

Further clinics



Location: Vitznau, Vierwaldstätter Lake, Switzerland

Electrical planning: Electrical planning R. Mettler AG, Seewen, Switzerland

Electrical installation: Frey + Cie. Elektro AG, Lucerne, Switzerland


Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Location: Villingen-Schwenningen

Architecture: Thiede, Messthaler, Klösges Architects/Engineers, Vögele Architects, TMK Architects, Düsseldorf

Electrical planning: Ebert Engineers, Nuremberg, Oberle Ingenieure, Villingen-Schwenningen

Electrical installation: primion Technology, Leinfelden-Echterdingen



Aarhus University Hospital

Aarhus University Hospital

Location: Aarhus, Denmark

Architecture: C.F. Møller Danmark A/S, in cooperation with Cubo Arkitekter A/S

Electrical planning: El:Con, Aarhus, Denmark





Location: Vitznau, Vierwaldstätter Lake, Switzerland

Electrical planning: Electrical planning R. Mettler AG, Seewen, Switzerland

Electrical installation: Frey + Cie. Elektro AG, Lucerne, Switzerland


Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Schwarzwald-Baar Hospital

Location: Villingen-Schwenningen

Architecture: Thiede, Messthaler, Klösges Architects/Engineers, Vögele Architects, TMK Architects, Düsseldorf

Electrical planning: Ebert Engineers, Nuremberg, Oberle Ingenieure, Villingen-Schwenningen

Electrical installation: primion Technology, Leinfelden-Echterdingen

