Siedle Steel

Maximum quality, individually produced: Each Steel system is configured and manufactured as a unique piece according to the customer’s specifications. The first of our two design aims is maximum freedom. Perfection is the second. An aim that accepts no compromises.


Design freedom

Siedle Steel Elegant surface finishes

Elegant surface finishes

Whether in stainless steel, brass, aluminium or chrome; whether painted or PVD coated – the solid front panels from Siedle Steel enhance every entrance.

Siedle Steel

Systematic functions

There are hardly any limits to the range of functions offered by Siedle Steel: from call buttons in various materials to video cameras and code locks for authorized entry - the design line does not specify a design, but means of design - a modular system of functions, clear aesthetics and a 14-millimeter grid.

Siedle Steel Elegant surface finishes

Elegant surface finishes

Whether in stainless steel, brass, aluminium or chrome; whether painted or PVD coated – the solid front panels from Siedle Steel enhance every entrance.

Siedle Steel

Systematic functions

There are hardly any limits to the range of functions offered by Siedle Steel: from call buttons in various materials to video cameras and code locks for authorized entry - the design line does not specify a design, but means of design - a modular system of functions, clear aesthetics and a 14-millimeter grid.

Spot on: Siedle Steel

Maximum quality, individually produced: Each door intercom system in the Siedle Steel design line is configured and manufactured as a unique piece according to the customer’s specifications. The first of our two design aims is maximum freedom. Perfection is the second. An aim that accepts no compromises.

Siedle Steel overview

Siedle Steel - modern skilled craft

Siedle Steel - modern skilled craft

Precise, digitally controlled machines and traditional craftmanship come together in our “Modern skilled craft” to create the unique Siedle Steel pieces. Perfection is not just a question of technology, but also the artistic skill and motivation of our employees who confer the required quality to Siedle Steel.

More about our production - made in Germany
Siedle Steel Audio

Siedle Steel Audio

With Siedle Steel, an intercom system with the classic functions of hearing, speaking and opening doors already meets the highest demands in terms of individuality and quality.

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Siedle Steel stainless steel brushed

Siedle Steel Video

Siedle Steel integrates the high-resolution color camera in a precisely fitting section in the massive operating level. With a horizontal viewing angle of up to 175 °, it covers the entire entrance area. The clear aesthetics of Siedle Steel with the invisible fastening and the completely flat surface are retained.

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Siedle Steel Letterbox

Siedle Steel with letterbox

Letterboxes for Siedle Steel are available with mail removal from the front or the rear. With their large surfaces, they fully accentuate the aesthetics of the high-quality material in this design line. Not least because of the extremely flat flush-mounted construction.

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Siedle Steel with Siedle Touch

Siedle Touch and Siedle Steel complement each other perfectly. The touchscreen is integrated seamlessly into the door stations – Siedle Touch 10 in any system, Siedle Touch 5 in single-line systems. Depending on the version, it is possible to incorporate call buttons, information fields and the start screen with a picture, a company logo or a particularly large display.

More about Siedle Touch
Siedle Steel fully flush installation

Siedle Steel fully flush installation

Have your façade the way you want it and integrate Siedle-quality door communication – you can make it happen with fully flush installation of a Steel system. Only items that need to protrude, such as the video camera, do so. The system truly becomes part of the façade if the front panel is painted in the same colour.

Individual advice on fully flush installation

Ageing beautifully

One of our materials stands out above all others: burnished brass. Rather than remaining unchanged, it bears traces. Traces of the manufacturing process, usage, the surroundings, the environment. It lives and ages – becoming ever more beautiful.

Find out more

High-class and robust: PVD coatings

Iridescent copper, noble brass, striking titanium and elegant black – the extremely thin PVD coating emphasises the texture of the Siedle Steel stainless steel. It is scratch-resistant, weather-resistant and easy to clean.


Line rectifiers
Communication and signage system
Laser lettering
All lettering options

Siedle Steel function modules

Siedle Touch

Scroll and tap – with Siedle Touch, it really is that easy to dial. These displays are available with a large 10-inch or a practical 5-inch screen.


Siedle Steel letterboxes

Always perfectly powered – line rectifiers from Siedle

Siedle’s intercom systems are as individual as their power requirements. And these are covered by our line rectifiers. Nowadays, new systems are installed in the In-Home bus, so we specifically focus on line rectifiers for this installation technology. You can find an overview of the line rectifiers for the 1+n and 6+n intercom systems as well as for our Siedle Access Professional IP system here .

Our partners in electrical planning and installation will advise you on the right power supply and the corresponding Siedle line rectifiers.

BSNG 650-0

This extremely cost-effective device is standard in the In-Home bus. It supplies audio and video users as well as the door release and nameplate lighting. It is designed for up to eight residential units.

Product details
BNG 650-0

In the classic door intercom system, the Siedle bus line rectifier supplies and controls the door release, nameplate lighting and up to 31 audio users per line. You can have up to 15 lines.

Product data
BVNG 650-0 Product data
Other line rectifiers

The NG 706 line rectifier supplies additional components and functions, the PSM 1 12 24 supplies individual IQ in-house telephones and bus video panels and the TR 603-0 transformer supplies the door release and nameplate lighting.

Find a specialist dealer

Communication and signage system

We have developed a communication and signage system which combines the unlimited variety of the high-end Siedle Steel communication system with an ergonomically optimised signage system. The result is a perfect welcome – consistent and uniform throughout the entire building.

There’s more to the perfect welcome than the entrance alone. Visitors are initially greeted by a parking sign or the garage entrance and make their way to a specific room. Different functions are important at each stage along this route: Identification of the building and its occupants, interaction with the host, internal access and finally guidance to the destination.

Want to learn more? Contact your local Siedle representative .

Laser - a perfect match

Typography is part of Siedle system design: Our lettering service guarantees a perfect, consistent look. We offer a high-tech laser process for the metal surfaces of Siedle Steel. This is precisely tailored to suit the material in question. Large-scale inscriptions, such as logos are even cheaper with laser lettering than with engraving. Painted and colour anodised surfaces cannot be laser marked for technical reasons, but they can be engraved.

Siedle lettering

Lettering according to requirements

Even the Siedle Steel lettering can be highly customised. The size of the area for lettering can be varied; in the case of foil and screen printing technology, a font, font size and colour of your choosing can be used. Logos or other graphics can also be applied. Building numbers can also be produced with raised numerals.

Interested in the Siedle Steel design line? All contact partners at a glance:

Siedle door communication is incredibly versatile.

Information for builders

You can trust in us

Durable and upgradeable

A Siedle system is a safe investment. After all, we develop our systems to last a long time. And when we develop new products, we focus on backwards-compatibility and updateability.

Quality and investment protection

Made in Germany

We are a high-tech company that uses the latest production methods. At the same time, it is our human qualities and traditional skills that give our products their very own character.

Made in Germany

Easy operation

Siedle products offer features which make life easier and safer for their users. We favour clarity over superfluous and frivolous complications.

Technology for people

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