
Information field for Siedle Vario
IM 700-0 AG

Product Details

Information field for Siedle Vario
IM 700-0 AG

Information field for Siedle Vario for compact display of all types of information (e.g. building number, logo, opening times), backlit lettering can be changed. Easy cabling thanks to pre-assembled, plug-in cable connection.
For optimum inscription possibilities please use the Siedle lettering service.

Technical Data

Nameplate size (mm) W x H: 91 x 84
Protection system: IP 54
Ambient temperature: –20 °C to +55 °C
Dimensions (mm) W x H x D: 99 x 99 x 26

Product information

Product designation Product description Colour/Material CG Article no.
IM 700-0 AGInformation field for Siedle VarioAnthracite greyA210012696-00