
Free-standing letterbox with upright columns
BG/SR 611-4/9-0 DG

Product Details

Free-standing letterbox with upright columns
BG/SR 611-4/9-0 DG

Free-standing letterbox with standpipes to accommodate 2 letterbox or storage compartment modules. 4 module slots to accommodate info sign modules, surface area lights and function modules in the upper section. Intercom module and additional functional modules within easy ergonomical operating reach. Aluminium profile with base flange. Letterbox housing with aluminium rear panel with coating / paintwork finish. Complete with letterbox housing, standard pipes and base flange with fixing accessories such as heavy-duty dowels etc.

Product information

Product designation Product description Colour/Material CG Article no.
BG/SR 611-4/9-0 DGFree-standing letterbox with upright columnsMicaceous dark greyB200039363-00



Spare parts

Product designation Product description Colour/Material CG Article no.