Services for professional electrical planners

Welcome to our service section for TGA planners in the field of electrical engineering. Here you will find your contacts as well as all service offers that may be of interest to you. Contact us - we look forward!

Product information and planning

Mein Siedle Icon
My Siedle

Personalized professionals area for registered partners.

My Siedle
Siedle Produkte Icon
Product catalogue

All Siedle products - clearly structured according to categories and including all article and product information and operating instructions as well as spare parts.

Products: all the details
Siedle Produkte Icon A-Z
Product catalogue A-Z

All Siedle products in alphabetical order: all details, product information, operating instructions, accessories and spare parts.

Products A-Z
Siedle Planung und Angebot Icon
Planning and system manuals

For download: planning and system manuals, terms of delivery and service and much more.

To the downloads
Siedle prices in common exchange formats
Price list

Here you can download the complete price list as a PDF and Excel file as well as in the exchange format ETIM 8.0.

To the price list
Siedle Software und Firmware Icon
Software and Firmware

Download for commissioning, programming and configuration.

Download: Software and Firmware
Siedle brochures
Brochures and more

The most important catalogs, brochures, price lists, flyers and posters - to order or to download.

To the brochures
Siedle Training
Siedle Training

Current webinars and training courses on our products.

Webinars and trainings
News about products and services
To our news

Commissioning and use

Siedle Video-Tutorials
Video tutorials

We offer video tutorials on important topics, including the functions of the In-Home bus, how to install door openers or opening Siedle door stations.

To our tutorials
Siedle Media-Center

Product and milieu images, selectable according to product types, building types and keywords, can be downloaded free of charge.

To the media library
Siedle repair service
Repair service

Our service is there for you if something doesn't work the way it should. Reliable and fast. Also for older and old products.

To the repair service
Siedle Markenportal
Brand portal

Our logo, our partner logos, the media library with images to download and much more about the Siedle brand.

To the brand portal
Siedle-Beschriftungsservice Icon
Lettering service

Forms for labeling door intercom systems in all Siedle design lines and contact details for our lettering service.

To the lettering service
Siedle operating instructions
Operating instructions

Clearly structured according to product groups: You can find the operating instructions for our products here. Or simply use the search function.

To the operating instructions
Siedle Care instructions
Care instructions

All important information about the care of our products and the various materials in one document.

Download care instructions