Intelligent connection: the Smart Gateways

Connecting a door intercom system and door communication with the IP world is a matter of course nowadays. Siedle fulfils this requirement with the Smart Gateway and Smart Gateway Professional. Installation is quick and easy. The Siedle app is connected via a QR code and even enables smart home applications.


Connection to the IP world. Smart. Secure.

Siedle Hosting Germany

Guaranteed data security

Not only do we carry out our manufacturing here in Germany, we also host our data here. On our server. For maximum security.

Siedle Smart Gateway für Zuhause

The gateway for the home

Our Smart Gateway is ideal for detached homes or smaller apartment buildings: It connects door communication to the Siedle app and the IP network in the building, thereby allowing the door communication system to be integrated into the building automation.



Smart home with the Siedle app

A Smart Gateway turns the Siedle app into a control centre for smaller smart home applications. For example, for opening the garage door, rolling up the sun blinds or arming the alarm system.

Siedle Smart Gateway für große Gebäude

IP connection for larger buildings

Smart Gateway Professional is the right choice for larger commercial and industrial buildings as well as mixed-used buildings.



Siedle Hosting Germany

Guaranteed data security

Not only do we carry out our manufacturing here in Germany, we also host our data here. On our server. For maximum security.

Siedle Smart Gateway für Zuhause

The gateway for the home

Our Smart Gateway is ideal for detached homes or smaller apartment buildings: It connects door communication to the Siedle app and the IP network in the building, thereby allowing the door communication system to be integrated into the building automation.


Smart Gateway overview

Siedle Smart Gateway 150 mit bis zu 10 Teilnehmern

Smart Gateway

With up to ten IP users, the Smart Gateway is ideal for detached homes or individual offices. Five user licences are included in the scope of supply. The Smart Gateway connects the door call from the In-Home system to the Siedle app and Siedle Axiom or, depending on the licence, to a software client on the PC or to a telephone system.

To the product
Siedle Smart Gateway 650 mit bis zu 50 Teilnehmern

Smart Gateway Professional

The functions of the Smart Gateway Professional with up to 50 IP users are adapted to requirements of larger projects: Mixed-use buildings as well as commercial and industrial buildings. As well as connecting to the Siedle app or Siedle Axiom, it enables connection to a PC via the bus software in-house telephone (virtual in-house telephone) in addition to video decoupling or connection to a telephone system.

To the product
Siedle App

Included: The Siedle app

The Siedle app for iOS or Android makes door calls mobile. Smartphone or iPads become indoor stations – with all the necessary functions. Users have access to the door communication system, wherever they are in the world – connection to a mobile network is all that’s required.

Data transfer between the Smart Gateway, the Siedle app, and the Siedle server located in Germany is encrypted. The Smart Gateways include free licences, additional licenses are also available.

Go to the Siedle app
Siedle Smart Gateway mobile Türkommunikation

Upgrading to mobile door communication

Both Smart Gateways can be seamlessly integrated in existing In-Home systems. In doing so, mobile door communication and other additional functions are added to the installation. To use mobile door communication with video, an In-Home system with video function is required.

Siedle virtuelles Haustelefon

Virtual in-house telephone

With the virtual in-house telephone (bus software in-house telephone), the door station becomes part of the IP network. Call, speech and video signals from the door are transmitted to the IP network by the Smart Gateway and received by client software. The PC takes on all the tasks of an indoor call station, including video display, door release, switching functions and status messages.


Secure, functional and up to date

Regular, free firmware updates provide long-term security and ensure optimum functionality for our Smart Gateways. Updates are displayed on the Smart Gateway user interface (as of version 2). These can be installed directly from the Siedle update server, without download. The latest firmware is already installed on new Siedle Smart Gateways.

View details for the latest firmware
Secure: Hosted in Germany

Secure: Hosted in Germany.

Located in Germany, the Siedle server represents our investment in the future and is at the heart of our intelligent Siedle IQ system. Connections within this system are encrypted. This means that mobile door communication is secure in all ways.

Advantages at a glance
Smart Gateway functions
Smart Gateway Professional functions

Siedle Smart Gateways: advantages at a glance

The Siedle Smart Gateways are the interface between the In-Home bus, IP networks, the internet and mobile door communication from Siedle. Call, voice and video signals are transmitted from the door to the IP network.

Siedle app hosted in Germany


  • Easy to set up the mobile app function without any special knowledge

  • Less time and effort spent on commissioning as no special network configuration is needed to use the app

  • App is available for smartphones with iOS or Android operating systems

  • The Siedle server is located in Germany

  • Time-controlled deletion of images in the Smart Gateway video memory (GDPR compliant)

  • Easier commissioning when connecting to a telephone system

  • Use of PC as virtual call station

  • Connect Siedle Axiom as communication centre with In-Home

  • Networking option via voice over IP (SIP) and video decoupling



View the Smart Gateway product data

View the Smart Gateway Professional product data

Smart Gateway functions

Low in terms of price and equipped with all required functions, the Siedle Smart Gateway is ideal for use in detached houses or smaller apartment buildings.

Siedle Smart Gateway Teilnehmer
The basis

  • 10 IP users

  • Five user licences included

  • Time-controlled deletion of video memory according to GDPR

Grundfunktionen Smart Gateway
Basic functions

  • Accept audio and video calls, speech, door release

  • Light switching

  • Group call of up to six IP users

  • Parallel call to IP and In-Home bus end devices

  • Direct door dialling from a list

Siedle Smart Gateway Mobilfunk über Siedle-Server

  • Siedle Axiom

  • Siedle app for iOS and Android

  • Jung Smart Control as indoor station for door communication

  • Networking with telephone systems (license dependent)

  • VoIP telephony and video decoupling (license dependent)

Security guaranteed

Security-relevant software updates are always installed on our Smart Gateways, even if the automatic update function is deactivated.

Automatic updates

With a Siedle Smart Gateway, your IP door communication is always up to date. Future updates can be automatically installed overnight if you wish.

Don’t miss any door calls

In systems with a Smart Gateway, a door call can also be signalled with a chime or a light – particularly helpful when only mobile devices are being used as indoor stations.

Smart Home

The Siedle app is the control centre for smaller smart home applications. In the In-Home bus with Smart Gateway, it takes on roles such as opening the garage door.

Siedle app
Know what the system’s doing

Siedle app users are always up to date: Notifications for system updates, maintenance windows or – if necessary – faults are automatically sent to the end device.

Commissioning via QR code
To the product Smart Gateway

Smart Gateway Professional functions

Smart Gateway Professional for private or professional use forms the interface between the In-Home bus, IP networks, the Internet and mobile door communication from Siedle: The call, speech and video signals from the door station are transmitted to the IP network.

Siedle Smart Gateway Professional mit bis zu 50 Teilnehmern
The basis

  • 10 IP users

  • Five user licences included

  • Time-controlled deletion of video memory according to GDPR

Siedle Smart Gateway mobile Türkommunikation
Basic functions

  • Accept audio and video calls, speech, door release

  • Light switching

  • Group call of up to six IP users

  • Parallel call to IP and In-Home bus end devices

  • Direct door dialling from a list

Siedle Smart Gateway Mobilfunk über Siedle-Server

  • Siedle Axiom

  • Siedle app for iOS and Android

  • Jung Smart Control as indoor station for door communication

  • Networking with telephone systems (license dependent)

  • VoIP telephony and video decoupling (license dependent)

Security guaranteed

Security-relevant software updates are always installed on our Smart Gateways, even if the automatic update function is deactivated.

Automatic updates

With a Siedle Smart Gateway, your IP door communication is always up to date. Future updates can be automatically installed overnight if you wish.

Don’t miss any door calls

In systems with a Smart Gateway, a door call can also be signalled with a chime or a light – particularly helpful when only mobile devices are being used as indoor stations.

Smart Home

The Siedle app is the control centre for smaller smart home applications. In the In-Home bus with Smart Gateway, it takes on roles such as opening the garage door.

Siedle app
Know what the system’s doing

Siedle app users are always up to date: Notifications for system updates, maintenance windows or – if necessary – faults are automatically sent to the end device.

Commissioning via QR code
To the product Smart Gateway Professional
Latest firmware update
Interested in the Siedle Smart Gateways? All contact partners:

Siedle door communication is incredibly versatile.

Information for builders

Who you can trust

Durable and retrofittable

A Siedle system is a safe investment. Because we develop our systems for a long service life. And when developing new products, we attach great importance to backward compatibility and update capability.

Quality and sustainability

Made in Germany

We are a high-tech company that uses the latest production methods. It’s also traditional human qualities and skills that give our products their very own character.

Made in Germany

Simple. Secure.

Siedle products provide functions that make the lives of the people using them simpler and more secure. We avoid excessive and fussy complication in favour of greater clarity.

Technology for people