Oplysningspligt i henhold til art. 13 i GDPR
Dataansvarlig (art. 13, stk. 1 a i GDPR)
S. Siedle & Söhne Telefon- und Telegrafenwerke OHG
Bregstraße 1
D-78120 Furtwangen
E-mail: info@siedle.de
Databeskyttelsesrådgiver (art. 13, stk. 1 b i GDPR)
Kaiserstraße 86
D-76133 Karlsruhe
Personlig ansvarlig: Thorsten Jordan
E-mail: dsb-siedle@ensecur.de
Oplysningspligt for besøgende
Formål og retsgrundlag for databehandlingen (art. 13, stk. 1 c i GDPR)
Tilvejebringelse af adgangskontrollen og ejendomsretten på lokationerne eller ved den ansvarliges arrangementer, til eftersporing af sikkerhedskrænkelser og for at tilvejebringe de besøgendes sikkerhed i tilfælde af brand (art. 6, stk. 1 f i GDPR)*
Gennemførelse af EU-forordninger gennem sikkerhedsprøvninger i henhold til EU-forordninger 881/2002 og 753/2011. AEO-sanktionslisteprøvninger (art. 6, stk. 1 c i GDPR)
Deling af oplysninger med sundhedsmyndighederne eller det stedlige politi med kontaktsporing af smittekæder for øje i henhold til den til enhver tid gældende tyske lov om foranstaltninger mod smitsomme sygdomme (lfSG)
E-mailadressen anvendes for at sikre, at kun beføjede personer får adgang til besøgs-WLAN. (Art. 6, stk. 1 f i GDPR)*
*Den ansvarliges interesser ved interesseafvejning (art. 13, stk. 1 d GDPR)
Databehandlingen foregår med interesseafsæt i kun at lade beføjede og verificerede besøgende få adgang til den ansvarliges forretningslokaler for at realisere de lovmæssige og kontraktlige krav til en effektiv og meningsgivende adgangskontrol. Ligeledes anvendes dataene til at kunne efterspore sikkerhedskrænkelser, som en besøgende måtte være udsat for.
Samtidig anvendes dataene i tilfælde af brand til at identificere tilstedeværende/savnede personer, så redningsvæsnet kan underrettes.
Modtagere eller kategorier af modtagere af personoplysningerne (art. 13,
stk. 1 e i GDPR)
Forbundne virksomheder, renovationsselskaber, softwareproducenter, cloud-udbydere, sikkerhedstjenester, retshåndhævende myndigheder, brandvæsen, event-agenturer
Overførsel til et tredjeland (art. 13, stk. 1 f i GDPR)
Der sker ingen overførsel af data til tredjelande.
Tidsrum for oplysningernes opbevaring i henhold til den lovmæssige opbevaringspligt (art. 13, stk. 2 a i GDPR)
Sletning af personoplysningerne sker som regel inden for 7 dage, efter at besøget har fundet sted. Data, der er indsamlet inden for rammerne af den aktuelt gældende corona-forordning/ aktuelt gældende lov om foranstaltninger mod smitsomme sygdomme, slettes efter 4 uger.
Retten til indsigt, berigtigelse, sletning, begrænsning, dataportabilitet og indsigelse (art. 13, stk. 2 b i GDPR)
Som registreret har du til enhver tid ret til at anmode om indsigt, berigtigelse og sletning af dine oplysninger og om begrænsning af behandling samt ret til dataportabilitet. I den forbindelse bedes du henvende dig til den ansvarlige under de anførte kontaktdata.
Ret til indsigelse (art. 21, stk. 1 i GDPR)
For så vidt behandlingen af dine data sker for at forfølge en legitim interesse, har du ret til til enhver tid at gøre indsigelse mod behandlingen under vores anførte kontaktdata af grunde, der vedrører din særlige situation, som ikke er forenelig med denne databehandling. Vi vil herpå ophøre databehandlingen, medmindre den tjener vægtige legitime interesser fra vor side.
Klageret (art. 13, stk. 2 d i GDPR)
Som registreret har du til enhver tid ret til at indgive en klage til en tilsynsmyndighed; i dette tilfælde kan du rette din klage til den kompetente databeskyttelsesrådgiver for delstaten Baden-Württemberg.
Lovpligtigt eller kontraktligt krav om tilvejebringelse af personoplysninger (art. 13,
stk. 2 e i GDPR)
Angivelse af for- og efternavn er nødvendig for at kunne identificere den besøgende. Uden disse oplysninger kan personer ikke få adgang til den ansvarliges lokation. Angivelse af e-mailadresse er frivillig - denne oplysning tjener til at sikre, at kun beføjede personer får adgang til besøgs-WLAN.
Information obligation for prospects and customers
Purpose and legal basis of the data processing (Art. 13 para. 1 c GDPR)
Handling and processing enquiries from interested parties (Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR)*
Sanction list screening (Art. 6 para. 1 c GDPR in connection with Regulation (EC) No. 2580/2001 against miscellaneous persons and organizations suspected of terrorism and Regulation (EC) No. 881/2002 against Osama bin Laden, Al-Qaida and the Taliban)
Preparing quotations for prospects (Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR*)
Concluding purchase contracts (Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR*)
Fulfilling legal obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 c GDPR)
Support of operating processes by service providers (Art. 28 GDPR)
Order management and delivery (Art. 6 para. 1 c GDPR)
Handling of complaints (Art. 6 para. 1 c GDPR)
*Interests of the controller in a balancing of interests (Art. 13 para. 1 d GDPR)
Assertion of legal claims and defence in legal disputes
Guaranteeing IT security and the IT operations of the company
Prevention of crimes
Measures for business management and further development of services and products
Information on new services or products
Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data (Art. 13 para. 1 e GDPR)
Public authorities, banks, auditors, software producers, affiliates, waste disposal service providers, advertising agency, IT service providers, suppliers.
Transfer to third countries (Art. 13 para. 1 f GDPR)
Data transmission to third countries takes place according to the statutory admissibility regulations pursuant to Article 45 GDPR, read in conjunction with Art. 46 (5) S. 2 GDPR). The GDPR provides for continued validity of the appropriateness resolutions already issued. For the EU-US Privacy Shield, the Commission has determined the appropriateness of the level of data protection (C(2016) 4176 final).
Storage period in accordance with statutory retention obligations (Art. 13 para. 2 a GDPR))
Generally 10 years on revocation by a customer.
Right of access, correction, erasure, restriction, data portability and objection (Art. 13 para. 2 b GDPR)
As a data subject you have a right of access, correction and erasure of your data and of restriction of the processing as well as a right of data portability. Please contact the controller in this connection using the contact details provided.
Right to object (Art. 21. para. 1 GDPR)
Insofar as the processing of your data takes place in order to maintain legitimate interests, you have the right to object to this processing at any time using the contact details we have provided if reasons arise from your special situation that conflict with this data processing. We will then terminate this processing unless it serves compelling legitimate interests on our part.
Right to withdraw consent (Art. 13. (2) c GDPR)
If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time, effective for the future. The lawfulness of processing until the time of revocation shall not be affected in this regard. For further information, please contact the responsible office under the contact data provided.
Right to lodge a complaint (Art. 13. para. 2 d GDPR)
As a data subject, you can contact the competent state office for data protection and freedom of information for Baden-Württemberg in the event of complaints.
Existence of a requirement to provide personal data (Art. 13 para. 2 e GDPR)
The data collected are necessary for the conclusion of the purchase contract. Data for marketing purposes are provided voluntarily.
Information obligation for service providers and suppliers
Purpose and legal basis of the data processing (Art. 13 para. 1 c GDPR)
Purchase and management of support services for fulfilling business purposes (Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR)*
Fulfilling legal obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 c GDPR)
Sending information material (Art. 6 para. 1 b GDPR)
*Interests of the controller in a balancing of interests (Art. 13 para. 1 d GDPR)
Assertion of legal claims and defence in legal disputes
Guaranteeing IT security and the IT operations of the company
Prevention of crimes
Measures for business management and further development of services and products
Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data (Art. 13 para. 1 e GDPR)
Public authorities, banks, auditors, waste disposal service providers
Transfer to third countries (Art. 13 para. 1 f GDPR)
Data transmission to third countries takes place according to the statutory admissibility regulations pursuant to Article 45 GDPR, read in conjunction with Art. 46 (5) S. 2 GDPR). The GDPR provides for continued validity of the appropriateness resolutions already issued. For the EU-US Privacy Shield, the Commission has determined the appropriateness of the level of data protection (C(2016) 4176 final).
Storage period in accordance with statutory retention obligations (Art. 13 para. 2 a GDPR)
Erasure of the personal data generally takes place within ten years after termination of the business relationship unless a longer statutory storage period exists in exceptional cases or in the case of revocation by an data subject.
Right of access, correction, erasure, restriction, data portability and objection (Art. 13 para. 2 b GDPR)
As a data subject you have a right of access, correction and erasure of your data and of restriction of the processing as well as a right of data portability. Please contact the responsible office in this connection using the contact details provided.
Right to object (Art. 21. para. 1 GDPR)
Insofar as the processing of your data takes place in order to maintain legitimate interests, you have the right to object to this processing at any time using the contact details we have provided if reasons arise from your special situation that conflict with this data processing. We will then terminate this processing unless it serves compelling legitimate interests on our part.
Right to withdraw consent (Art. 13. (2) c GDPR)
If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time, effective for the future. The lawfulness of processing until the time of revocation shall not be affected in this regard. For further information, please contact the responsible office under the contact data provided.
Right to lodge a complaint (Art. 13. para. 2 d GDPR)
As a data subject, you can contact the competent state office for data protection and freedom of information for Baden-Württemberg in the event of complaints.
Existence of a requirement to provide personal data (Art. 13 para. 2 e GDPR)
The data collected are for concluding and performing the employment relationship.
Information obligation for applicants
Purpose and legal basis of the data processing (Art. 13 para. 1 c GDPR)
Management of applications/e-recruiting (Section 26 (1) German Federal Data Protection Act BDSG-neu)
Inclusion in an applicants’ pool for contact at a later date (Art. 6 para. 1 a GDPR)
Interests of the controller in a balancing of interests (Art. 13 para. 1 d GDPR)
Not applicable.
Recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data (Art. 13 para. 1 e GDPR)
E.g: Human resources service providers, payroll office, providers of the software-supported applicant portal, waste disposal service providers.
Transfer to third countries (Art. 13 para. 1 f GDPR)
No transfer to a third country takes place.
Storage period in accordance with statutory retention obligations (Art. 13 para. 2 a GDPR)
Erasure of the personal data takes place six months after termination of the application process, taking due account of Section 61b (1) of the German Labour Court Act (ArbGG) in conjunction with Section 15 of the German General Act on Equal Treatment (AGG). If the applicant is accepted in the applicant pool, erasure takes place after 2 years have elapsed if no suitable position can be offered.
In the event of employment, the necessary data will be included in the personnel file. The information on erasure of the relevant data is available under the duty of information on employee data processing.
Right to object (Art. 21. para. 1 GDPR)
Insofar as the processing of your data takes place in order to maintain legitimate interests, you have the right to object to this processing at any time using the contact details we have provided if reasons arise from your special situation that conflict with this data processing. We will then terminate this processing unless it serves compelling legitimate interests on our part.
Right to withdraw consent (Art. 13. (2) c GDPR)
If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you have the right to withdraw such consent at any time, effective for the future. The lawfulness of processing until the time of revocation shall not be affected in this regard. For further information, please contact the responsible office under the contact data provided.
Right of access, correction, erasure, restriction, data portability and objection (Art. 13 para. 2 b GDPR)
As a data subject you have a right of access, correction and erasure of your data and of restriction of the processing as well as a right of data portability. Please contact the controller in this connection using the contact details provided.
Right to lodge a complaint (Art. 13. para. 2 d GDPR)
As a data subject, you can contact the competent state office for data protection and freedom of information for Baden-Württemberg in the event of complaints.
Existence of a requirement to provide personal data (Art. 13 para. 2 e GDPR)
The data collected are necessary for performing the application procedure. If the data are not provided, it will not be possible to perform the application procedure.