ARCH+ features 14: Muck Petzet, Konstantin Grcic, Erica Overmeer, Miroslav Šik
To mark the opening of the 13th Architecture Biennale, ARCH+ features issued an invitation to Venice. The event reflected on the contextual issues raised by the German and Swiss Pavilions. However, the German team featuring Muck Petzet, Konstantin Grcic and Erica Overmeer as well as Miroslav Šik, official Swiss participant at the Architecture Biennale, has the task of guiding visitors not through their own but each other's pavilions. The idea was to discover shared aspects and differences between the two national contributions in keeping with the Biennale's motto of "Common Ground".

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In the Swiss pavilion, the discussion was focused on the pictorial strategy of Šik and the commissioned architectural bureaus Miller & Maranta and Knapkiewicz & Fickert. The walls of the pavilion had been treated with an elaborate method of photoemulsion which permitted direct illumination, creating a fictitious urban landscape as a wall fresco.

Illustrated: The visual manifesto of Miroslav Šik, Knapkiewicz & Fickert from Zurich and Miller & Maranta from Basle.
Miroslav Šik confronted the around 200 listeners outside the German Pavilion with the Pavilion's difficult political history. From his viewpoint, the greatest difference in the attitude portrayed by the two contributions is their relationship to their own history. Internally, Šik produced a convincing and precise analysis of the spatial strategy achieved by the German exhibition, which thematized calm, workaday architecture and working around the existing urban and architectural building stock.

Illustrated: Miroslav Šik, Anh-Linh Ngo from ARCH+ and Muck Petzet.
Guided tour through the Swiss Pavilion: Miroslav Šik, Muck Petzet and Konstantin Grcic.
Erica Overmeer talks to Miroslav Šik about his pictorial concept.
Miroslav Šik talks about the issue of scale in the German contribution.

All pictures courtesy of: David von Becker
© 2020 S. Siedle & Söhne OHG