New communication, new agency

The 15th September is D-day: Siedle unveils its new look. The company has commissioned a redesign of its communication concept. Responsible: The Cologne-based agency Meiré und Meiré.

The new communication concept encompasses redesign of the website, advertisements, posters, informative publications and e-mail newsletter. The new look is more than merely a cosmetic change or an end unto itself. Siedle not only looks different, the company is also breaking new ground and utilizing additional communication channels. The brighter, fresher, more friendly corporate look extends an invitation to partners and customers to get to know the market leader from a new angle. The agency charged with the task was required to demonstrate a high level of sensitivity; Although a different image was needed for the traditional brand Siedle, at the same time it was essential for the brand identity which had evolved over decades to be retained unscathed. This was a tricky assignment which Meiré und Meiré handled with consummate skill.

Siedle has a number of ambitious plans in conjunction with its Cologne-based agency; The launch of the new corporate image is only one stage on the journey to a new strategy of communication intended to strengthen and revitalize the brand. The contract to revamp the corporate image was awarded on the basis of the agency's competence in brand management. Meiré und Meiré pursues its own internally developed approach which it calls "Brand Coding" and which focuses primarily on cultural identity.

A new corporate culture is introduced initially first and foremost to Siedle's market and sales partners, as the new campaign is flanked by a broad-based marketing campaign. Its aim is not only to offer electrical installers good products but also to provide assistance in selling them. With this aim in mind, Siedle has conceived a campaign which focuses on large-format posters. The motif originates from Siedle, and the local partner draws attention to its own company with a large red circle. With Siedle's support, local partners can purchase the poster at a fraction of the normal price.

Poster image: Stroer, assembly: Siedle
© 2020 S. Siedle & Söhne OHG