EU training project with Siedle

"The maths I learn at school is something I will never need to use again!" Not true: as the European Union now intends to illustrate to school students in Europe.

A pilot project being run by the European Union is designed to help teachers communicate practically-oriented mathematics. In each country, teachers will be visiting selected companies to jointly elaborate learning scenarios with educators which promote research and discovery-based learning. Siedle is the exclusive cooperation partner for Germany.

"It's about hands-on mathematics, making mathematics accessible and relevant to school students instead of just presenting it as a series of abstract formulas", according to Professor Katja Maaß of the Freiburg University of Education. Maaß actively approached Siedle, as the company is known for its scientifically supported action-oriented approach to training and education.

The project team at the Freiburg University of Education initially worked with Siedle to set out concrete learning objectives. The further education sessions will start in September.

Universities and Institutes from 13 countries are taking part in the "mascil – mathematics and science for life" project:
> To the EU project website
> To the Siedle contribution on the German website
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